# I am calling the data set "surg.data". # The independent variables are x1 through x8. # The response (dependent) variable is y. ########## ## # Reading the data into R: my.datafile <- tempfile() cat(file=my.datafile, " 6.7 62 81 2.59 50 0 1 0 695 5.1 59 66 1.70 39 0 0 0 403 7.4 57 83 2.16 55 0 0 0 710 6.5 73 41 2.01 48 0 0 0 349 7.8 65 115 4.30 45 0 0 1 2343 5.8 38 72 1.42 65 1 1 0 348 5.7 46 63 1.91 49 1 0 1 518 3.7 68 81 2.57 69 1 1 0 749 6.0 67 93 2.50 58 0 1 0 1056 3.7 76 94 2.40 48 0 1 0 968 6.3 84 83 4.13 37 0 1 0 745 6.7 51 43 1.86 57 0 1 0 257 5.8 96 114 3.95 63 1 0 0 1573 5.8 83 88 3.95 52 1 0 0 858 7.7 62 67 3.40 58 0 0 1 702 7.4 74 68 2.40 64 1 1 0 809 6.0 85 28 2.98 36 1 1 0 682 3.7 51 41 1.55 39 0 0 0 205 7.3 68 74 3.56 59 1 0 0 550 5.6 57 87 3.02 63 0 0 1 838 5.2 52 76 2.85 39 0 0 0 359 3.4 83 53 1.12 67 1 1 0 353 6.7 26 68 2.10 30 0 0 1 599 5.8 67 86 3.40 49 1 1 0 562 6.3 59 100 2.95 36 1 1 0 651 5.8 61 73 3.50 62 1 1 0 751 5.2 52 86 2.45 70 0 1 0 545 11.2 76 90 5.59 58 1 0 1 1965 5.2 54 56 2.71 44 1 0 0 477 5.8 76 59 2.58 61 1 1 0 600 3.2 64 65 0.74 53 0 1 0 443 8.7 45 23 2.52 68 0 1 0 181 5.0 59 73 3.50 57 0 1 0 411 5.8 72 93 3.30 39 1 0 1 1037 5.4 58 70 2.64 31 1 1 0 482 5.3 51 99 2.60 48 0 1 0 634 2.6 74 86 2.05 45 0 0 0 678 4.3 8 119 2.85 65 1 0 0 362 4.8 61 76 2.45 51 1 1 0 637 5.4 52 88 1.81 40 1 0 0 705 5.2 49 72 1.84 46 0 0 0 536 3.6 28 99 1.30 55 0 0 1 582 8.8 86 88 6.40 30 1 1 0 1270 6.5 56 77 2.85 41 0 1 0 538 3.4 77 93 1.48 69 0 1 0 482 6.5 40 84 3.00 54 1 1 0 611 4.5 73 106 3.05 47 1 1 0 960 4.8 86 101 4.10 35 1 0 1 1300 5.1 67 77 2.86 66 1 0 0 581 3.9 82 103 4.55 50 0 1 0 1078 6.6 77 46 1.95 50 0 1 0 405 6.4 85 40 1.21 58 0 0 1 579 6.4 59 85 2.33 63 0 1 0 550 8.8 78 72 3.20 56 0 0 0 651 ", sep=" ") options(scipen=999) # suppressing scientific notation surg.data <- read.table(my.datafile, header=FALSE, col.names=c('x1','x2','x3','x4','x5','x6','x7','x8','y')) # attaching the data frame: attach(surg.data) # fitting a simple linear regression model: surg.reg1 <- lm(y ~ x1) # residual plot (against fitted values) plot(fitted(surg.reg1), resid(surg.reg1), ylab="Residuals", xlab="Fitted Values"); abline(h=0) # Q-Q plot of residuals qqnorm(resid(surg.reg1)) # Defining a log-transformed variable: lny <- log(y) # fitting a simple linear regression model using ln(y): surg.reg2 <- lm(lny ~ x1) # residual plot (against fitted values) plot(fitted(surg.reg2), resid(surg.reg2), ylab="Residuals", xlab="Fitted Values"); abline(h=0) # Q-Q plot of residuals qqnorm(resid(surg.reg2)) # Have the model violations been alleviated? ##################################################### ## With several predictor variables: # fitting a multiple linear regression model: surg.mult.reg1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8) # residual plot (against fitted values) plot(fitted(surg.mult.reg1), resid(surg.mult.reg1), ylab="Residuals", xlab="Fitted Values"); abline(h=0) # Q-Q plot of residuals qqnorm(resid(surg.mult.reg1)) # fitting that multiple linear regression model using ln(y): surg.mult.reg2 <- lm(lny ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8) # residual plot (against fitted values) plot(fitted(surg.mult.reg2), resid(surg.mult.reg2), ylab="Residuals", xlab="Fitted Values"); abline(h=0) # Q-Q plot of residuals qqnorm(resid(surg.mult.reg2)) # Have the model violations been alleviated?