Lab assignment 4 (due Monday, Feb. 20) *** SLBD stands for the book "Statistics: Learning by Doing." *** *** EWA stands for "Extended Writing Assignment" *** Please read lab session 5 (pages 64-73 of SLBD) BEFORE coming to class on Monday. I. Complete the EWA listed on page 74, taking care to follow the grading rubric handed out in class. The EWA should be typed and the writing style should be fairly formal. (In addressing point (2) on page 74, for the "calibration calculation," discuss your guess and "predicted true value" for the 13th landmark. Did using the prediction equation improve your estimate of the actual true distance, compared to your original guess?) You don't have to do the short-answer assignment, but you can use the questions in the SAWA to guide what you write in the EWA. Don't worry about the questions that deal with the class's guesses as a whole, since you only have access to your own guesses. II. When the major variable of interest in a study is difficult or expensive to measure, often the investigator will use a related, more convenient variable as a substitute. This surrogate variable is known as a proxy variable. The lab book gives an example of a proxy variable for measuring the force of Russian nuclear explosions. Can you think of another situation in which the use of a proxy variable may be necessary? In a brief paragraph, describe such a situation and any cautions that should be exercised when using the proxy variable.