Lab assignment 6 (due Wednesday, March 22) *** SLBD stands for the book "Statistics: Learning by Doing." *** *** SAWA stands for "Short Answer Writing Assignment" *** Please read lab session 9 (pages 122-138 of SLBD) BEFORE coming to class on Monday. This lab session will follow closely the one described in SLBD, so be sure to have read it. I. Answer SAWA questions 1-6 on pages 139-140 of SLBD, in complete sentences where possible. Also turn in a completed copy of Table 9.1. Notation: For example, a^2 denotes "a squared" in the following questions. II. Statistical theory can be used to show that for large samples for a NORMAL population, the VARIANCE of the sampling distribution of the sample MEDIAN is approximately (pi/2)*(sigma^2/n). Calculate this variance for sigma=1 and n=20. How does this compare with your simulated results? [Look at the square of the standard deviation for your set of sample medians from the standard normal data with n=20. This should be written in your Table 9.1 of the lab book.] III. The standard double exponential distribution is a symmetric distribution centered at zero. (Its density curve looks a bit like the exponential density on p. 124 of SLBD if you drew a mirror image of that density on the left side of zero.) Statistical theory says that for large samples from the double exponential distribution, the variance of the sample mean's sampling distribution is 2*(beta^2)/n and the variance of the sample median's sampling distribution is (beta^2)/n, where beta is simply a parameter (some number). (Both of those sampling distributions have mean zero.) Based on this result, if you knew your data had a double exponential distribution and you planned to take a large sample, which measure of central tendency would you prefer, the sample mean or sample median? Why?