Lab assignment 7 (due Friday, March 31) *** SLBD stands for the book "Statistics: Learning by Doing." *** *** SAWA stands for "Short Answer Writing Assignment" *** Please read lab session 7 (pages 94-102 of SLBD) BEFORE coming to class on Monday. I. Answer SAWA questions 1 through 4 (in complete sentences where applicable). II. Compute, and interpret, a 95% (classical) confidence interval for p, where p is the proportion of the population that prefers the bargain product. (NOTE: Do this for each type of product, except for the Nilla Wafers.) III. In many clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of a new drug, patients are randomly assigned to receive the treatment (the new drug) or the control (a placebo, which is a fake pill that has no physical medical effect). Patients are not told whether they are receiving the drug or the placebo, and this aspect makes the experiment single-blind. Explain why, in this situation, it is usually preferred that the experiment be "double-blind", that is, the doctor who actually gives out the drugs shouldn't know which patients are assigned to which group.