STAT 704 -- POST-TEST 3 REVIEW SHEET Also look at the Review Sheets for the previous tests this semester!! I. Two-Factor ANOVA A. Definition of Treatments as Factor Level Combinations B. Weaknesses of the "One Factor at a Time" Approach C. Notation for the Two-Factor ANOVA model 1. Cell-means formulation 2. X matrix and "beta vector" for the formulation 3. "Factor-effects" formulation 4. Interpretations of main effects and interaction effects 5. Fitted Values and Residuals in Two-Factor ANOVA model D. ANOVA table 1. Sums of Squares, degrees of freedom, Mean Squares and Expected Mean Squares 2. Checking model assumptions 3. Interaction plots and their interpretations 4. F-test for interaction 5. F-tests for main effects (When appropriate?) E. Further Investigation of Factor Effects (No Interaction) 1. CI for a factor level mean 2. CI and test about contrast of factor level means 3. Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Factor Level Means F. Further Investigation of Factor Effects (With Interaction) 1. CIs and tests about individual cell means G. Other issues in Two-Way ANOVA 1. Power for F-tests in Two-Way ANOVA 2. Pooling Sums of Squares when Interaction is not Significant H. One-observation-per-treatment Situation 1. Problem estimating sigma^2 2. Assumption of No Interaction 3. "Tukey test of Additivity" II. More Complicated ANOVA Models A. Three or More Factors 1. Several different types of interaction terms in model 2. Role of high-order interactions