/* Reading summer temperature data into SAS */ DATA summertemp; INPUT temperat @@; /* The @@ symbol tells SAS there are multiple observations on each line*/ CARDS; 59 81 85 75 81 77 92 83 92 76 74 73 57 68 80 69 83 78 87 88 93 71 73 76 81 82 73 64 80 79 ; run; /* Reading dental measurement data (for boys) into SAS */ DATA dental; INPUT boys @@; /* The @@ symbol tells SAS there are multiple observations on each line*/ CARDS; 31 26.5 27.5 27 26 28.5 26.5 25.5 26 31.5 25 28 29.5 26 30 25 ; run; /* Normal Q-Q plot for summer temperatures: */ PROC UNIVARIATE noprint DATA=summertemp; QQPLOT temperat / normal; RUN; /* Normal Q-Q plot for dental measurements: */ PROC UNIVARIATE noprint DATA=dental; QQPLOT boys / normal; RUN; /* Which data set is more likely to have come from a normal distribution? */