/* Reading summer temperature data into SAS */ DATA summertemp; INPUT temperat @@; /* The @@ symbol tells SAS there are multiple observations on each line*/ CARDS; 59 81 85 75 81 77 92 83 92 76 74 73 57 68 80 69 83 78 87 88 93 71 73 76 81 82 73 64 80 79 ; run; DATA summertemp2; SET summertemp; diff = temperat - 75; /* since 75 will be our hypothesized value of mu */ /* p-value for the two-sided t-test of H_0: mu=75: */ PROC MEANS DATA = summertemp2 t prt; VAR diff; run; /* Note this used the SECOND data set (with "diff") */ /* 90% CI for mu: */ PROC MEANS DATA = summertemp clm alpha=0.10; VAR temperat; run; /* Note this used the "temperat" variable */