############################### # Prior Elicitation Example # ############################### ################################# ### Example (TV-watching data) ################################# ## The variable of interest is the number of hours per week ## of TV watched by college-age students in the U.S. # The parameter of interest is the mean weekly number of hours. # We will use a normal prior for this parameter. # Suppose 5 experts named the most likely value for this weekly mean # and also gave two numbers in between which they were # 80% sure the mean fell (i.e., the 0.1 and 0.9 quantiles). # Expert 1: med.1 <- q.1.1 <- q.9.1 <- # Expert 2: med.2 <- q.1.2 <- q.9.2 <- # Expert 3: med.3 <- q.1.3 <- q.9.3 <- # Expert 4: med.4 <- q.1.4 <- q.9.4 <- # Expert 5: med.5 <- q.1.5 <- q.9.5 <- expert.quantiles <- c(med.1,med.2,med.3,med.4,med.5,q.1.1,q.1.2,q.1.3,q.1.4,q.1.5,q.9.1,q.9.2,q.9.3,q.9.4,q.9.5) z.quantiles <- c(rep(qnorm(0.5), times=5), rep(qnorm(0.1), times=5), rep(qnorm(0.9), times=5) ) coef( lm(expert.quantiles ~ z.quantiles) ) # We will use the estimated intercept as the prior mean and the estimated slope # as the prior standard deviation.