David B. Hitchcock: Research Interests and Papers


  • Functional Data Analysis
  • Smoothing Methods
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Environmental and Ecological Applications
  • History of Statistics


    Statistical Methodology, Theory, and Applications

    Hitchcock, D. B. (2003), "A History of the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm," The American Statistician, 57, 254-257.
    [pdf manuscript] (Final journal version available online at DOI: 10.1198/0003130032413.)

    Agresti, A. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2005), "Bayesian Inference for Categorical Data Analysis," Statistical Methods and Applications: Journal of the Italian Statistical Society, 14, 297-330.
    [technical report version (pdf)] [pdf manuscript] (Final journal version available online at DOI: 10.1007/s10260-005-0121-y.)

    Hitchcock, D. B., Casella, G., and Booth, J. G. (2006), "Improved Estimation of Dissimilarities by Presmoothing Functional Data," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101, 211-222.
    [pdf manuscript] (Final journal version available online at DOI: 10.1198/016214505000000673.)

    Hitchcock, D. B. (2007), "Bandwidth-based Nonparametric Inference," Statistical Methodology, 4, 204-216.
    [pdf manuscript] (Final journal version available online at DOI: 10.1016/j.stamet.2006.07.001.)

    Hitchcock, D. B., Booth, J. G., and Casella, G. (2007), "The Effect of Pre-smoothing Functional Data on Cluster Analysis," Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 77, 1043-1055.
    [pdf manuscript] (Final journal version available online at DOI: 10.1080/10629360600880684.)

    Hitchcock, D. B. and Chen, Z. (2008), "Smoothing Dissimilarities to Cluster Binary Data," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52, 4699-4711.
    [pdf manuscript] (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2008.03.012.)

    Hitchcock, D. B. (2009), "Yates and Contingency Tables: 75 Years Later," Electronic Journal for History of Probability and Statistics, 5, No. 2.
    [technical report version (pdf)] (Journal version available online at EJHPS web site.)

    Ferreira, L. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2009), "A Comparison of Hierarchical Methods for Clustering Functional Data," Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 38, 1925-1949.
    [pdf manuscript] (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1080/03610910903168603.)

    Gao, J. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2010), "James-Stein Shrinkage to Improve K-means Cluster Analysis," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 2113-2127.
    [pdf manuscript] (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2010.03.018.)

    Jang, J. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2012), "Model-based Cluster Analysis of Democracies," Journal of Data Science, 10, 297-319.
    [pdf preprint version] (Journal version available online at JDS web site.)

    Grego, J. M. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2014), "Limited-Information Modeling of Loggerhead Turtle Population Size," Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 19, 18-38.
    [pdf preprint version] [pdf manuscript (blinded)] (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1007/s13253-013-0154-x.)
    [R code to implement method in Grego/Hitchcock paper]

    Cheng, W., Dryden, I. L., Hitchcock, D. B., Le, H. (2014), "Analysis of spike train data: Classification and Bayesian alignment," Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8, No. 2, 1786-1792.
    (Journal version available online at EJS web site.)

    Cheng, W., Dryden, I. L., Hitchcock, D. B., Le, H. (2014), "Analysis of proteomics data: Bayesian alignment of functions," Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8, No. 2, 1734-1741.
    (Journal version available online at EJS web site.)

    Cheng, W., Dryden, I. L., Hitchcock, D. B., Le, H. (2014), "Analysis of AneuRisk65 data: internal carotid artery shape analysis," Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8, No. 2, 1905-1913.
    (Journal version available online at EJS web site.)

    Wu, Z. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2016), "A Bayesian Method for Simultaneous Registration and Clustering of Functional Data," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 101, 121-136.
    [pdf preprint version] (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2016.02.010.)

    Lewis, N. H., Hitchcock, D. B., Dryden, I. L., Rose, J. R. (2018), "Peptide Refinement by Using a Stochastic Search," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, 67, 1207-1236.
    [pdf preprint version] (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1111/rssc.12280.)

    Liu, H., Hitchcock, D. B., Samadi, S. Z. (2020). "Spatio-temporal Analysis of Flood Data from South Carolina." Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 7, 11.
    [pdf preprint version] (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1186/s40488-020-00112-x.)
    [Python programs and data for Liu/Hitchcock/Samadi paper]

    Pittman, R. D., Hitchcock, D. B., and Grego, J. M. (2021). "Concurrent Functional Regression to Reconstruct River Stage Data during Flood Events," Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 28, 219–237.
    [pdf preprint version] (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1007/s10651-021-00487-3.)
    [R programs and data to implement method in Pittman/Hitchcock/Grego paper]

    Zhong, S. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2021). "S&P 500 Stock Price Prediction Using Technical, Fundamental and Text Data," Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 9, 769-788.
    [pdf preprint version on arXiv] (Journal version available online at SOIC web site.)
    [Code and data to implement method in Zhong/Hitchcock paper]

    Petitbon, A. M. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2022). "What Kind of Music Do You Like? A Statistical Analysis of Music Genre Popularity Over Time," Journal of Data Science, 20, 168-187.
    [pdf manuscript] (Journal version available online at JDS web site.)
    [Zip folder with R programs and data for Petitbon/Hitchcock paper]

    Zhong, S. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2023). "Functional Clustering of Fictional Narratives Using Vonnegut Curves," Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 18, 1045-1066.
    [pdf preprint version] (Journal version available online at ADAC web site.)

    Hitchcock, D. B. (2024). "Lessons from a Discussion-based Course on the History of Statistics," The American Statistician, 78, 368-374.
    [pdf preprint version] (Journal version available online at TAS web site.)

    Pittman, R. D. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2024+). "Identifying Influential Observations in Concurrent Functional Regression with Weighted Bootstrap," in press, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification.
    [pdf preprint version] (Journal version available online at ADAC web site.)
    [R programs and data to implement method in Pittman/Hitchcock paper]

    Pittman, R. D. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2024+). "Functional Regression Influence Measures for Out-of-sample Prediction," submitted for publication.
    [pdf preprint version]

    Manning, B. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2024+). "Clustering Smoothed Dissimilarities in Tertiary Data," submitted for publication.
    [pdf preprint version]

    Interdisciplinary Research

    Arthington, J. D., Roka, F. M., Mullahey, J. J., Coleman, S. W., Muchovej, R. M., Lollis, L. O., and Hitchcock, D. (2007), "Integrating Ranch Forage Production, Cattle Performance, and Economics in Ranch Management Systems for Southern Florida," Rangeland Ecology & Management, 60, 12-18.
    (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.2111/05-074R1.1.)

    Singh, C. K., Kumar, A., Hitchcock, D. B., Fan, D., Goodwin, R., LaVoie, H. A., Nagarkatii, P., DiPette, D. J., and Singh, U. S. (2011), "Resveratrol Prevents Embryonic Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis Associated with Diabetic Embryopathy, and Improves Glucose and Lipid Profile of Diabetic Dam," Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 55, 1186-1196.
    (Final journal version available online at DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201000457.)

    Suranyi, Zs., Hitchcock, D. B., Hittner, J., Urban, R., and Vargha, A. (2013), "Different types of sensation seeking: A person-oriented approach in sensation seeking research," International Journal of Behavioral Development, 37, 274-285.
    (Final journal version available online at DOI: 10.1177/0165025413483221.)

    Guinn, C. H., Baxter, S. D., Finney, C. J., Hitchcock, D. B. (2013), "Examining Variations in Fourth-Grade Children's Participation in School Breakfast and Lunch Programs by Student and Program Demographics," Journal of Child Nutrition and Management, 37, No. 1.
    (Journal version available online at JCNM web site.)

    Guinn, C. H., Baxter, S. D., Royer, J. A., Hitchcock, D. B., and Devlin, C. M. (2013), "Explaining the Positive Relationship between Fourth-Grade Children's Body Mass Index and Energy Intake at School-Provided Meals (Breakfast and Lunch)," Journal of School Health, 85, 328-334.
    (Journal version available online at JOSH web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Hitchcock, D. B., Guinn, C. H., Royer, J. A., Wilson, D. K., Pate, R. R., McIver, K. L., and Dowda, M. (2013), "A Pilot Study of the Effects of Interview Content, Retention Interval, and Grade on Accuracy of Dietary Information from Children," Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 45, 368-373.
    (Journal version available online at JNEB web site.)

    Miller, P. H., Baxter, S. D., Hitchcock, D. B., Royer, J. A., Smith, A. F., and Guinn, C. H. (2014), "Test-Retest Reliability of a Short Form of the Children's Social Desirability Scale for Nutrition and Health-Related Research," Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46, 423-428.
    (Journal version available online at JNEB web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Paxton-Aiken, A. E., Royer, J. A., Hitchcock, D. B., Guinn, C. H., Finney, C.J. (2014), "Misclassification of Fourth-Grade Children's Participation in School-Provided Meals Based on Parental Responses Relative to Administrative Daily Records," Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114, 1404-1410.
    (Journal version available online at JAND web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Hitchcock, D. B., Guinn, C. H., Vaadi, K. K., Puryear, M. P., Royer, J. A., McIver, K. L., Dowda, M., Pate, R. R., Wilson, D. K. (2014), "A Validation Study Concerning the Effects of Interview Content, Retention Interval, and Grade on Children's Recall Accuracy for Dietary and Physical Activity Information," Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114, 1902-1914.
    (Journal version available online at JAND web site.)

    Miller, P. H., Baxter, S. D., Royer, J. A., Hitchcock, D. B., Smith, A. F., Collins, K. L., Guinn, C. H., Smith, A. L., Puryear, M. P., Vaadi, K. K., Finney, C. J. (2015), ``Children's Social Desirability: Effects of Test Assessment Mode," Personality and Individual Differences, 83, 85-90.
    (Journal version available online at PAID web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Smith, A. F., Guinn, C. H., Hitchcock, D. B., Puryear, M. P., Vaadi, K. K., Finney, C. J. (2015), "Retention Interval and Prompts: Creation and Cross-Sectional Pilot-Testing of Eight Interview Protocols to Obtain 24-Hour Dietary Recalls from Fourth-Grade Children," Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115, 1291-1298.
    (Journal version available online at JAND web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Smith, A. F., Hitchcock, D. B., Collins, K. L., Guinn, C. H., Finney, C. J., Royer, J. A., Miller, P. H. (2015), "Test-Retest Reliability of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey's 5-Question Food Insecurity Survey Completed by Fourth-Grade Children," Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47, 459-464.
    (Journal version available online at JNEB web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Smith, A. F., Hitchcock, D. B., Guinn, C. H., Royer, J. A., Collins, K. L., Smith, A. L., Puryear, M. P., Vaadi, K. K., Finney, C. J., Miller, P. H. (2015), "Effectiveness of Prompts on Fourth-Grade Children's Dietary Recall Accuracy Depends on Retention Interval and Varies by Gender," Journal of Nutrition, 145, 2185-2192.
    (Journal version available online at JN web site.)

    Smith, A. F., Baxter, S. D., Hitchcock, D. B., Finney, C. J., Royer, J. A., Guinn, C. H. (2016), "Cognitive Ability, Social Desirability, Body Mass Index, and Socioeconomic Status as Correlates of Fourth-Grade Children's Dietary-Reporting Accuracy," European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, 1028-1033.
    (Journal version available online at EJCN web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Hitchcock, D. B., Royer, J. A., Smith, A. F., Guinn, C. H. (2016), "Fourth-grade children's reporting accuracy for amounts eaten at school-provided meals: Insight from a reporting-error-sensitive analytic approach applied to validation-study data," Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116, 1932-1941.
    (Journal version available online at JAND web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Guinn, C. H., Smith, A.F., Hitchcock, D. B., Royer, J. A., Puryear, M.P., Collins, K. L., Smith, A. L. (2016), "Children's School-Breakfast Reports and School-Lunch Reports (in 24-hour Dietary Recalls): Conventional and Reporting-Error-Sensitive Measures Show Inconsistent Accuracy Results for Retention Interval and for Breakfast Location," British Journal of Nutrition, 115, 1301-1315.
    (Journal version available online at DOI:10.1017/S0007114515005413.)

    Baxter, S. D., Hitchcock, D. B., Royer, J. A., Smith, A. F., Guinn, C. H. (2017), "Fourth-grade children's dietary reporting accuracy by meal component: Results from a validation study that manipulated retention interval and prompts," Appetite, 113, 106-115.
    (Journal version available online at Appetite web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Guinn, C. H., Smith, A. F., Royer, J. A., Hitchcock, D. B. (2017), ``A Need for Empirical Evidence Concerning the Accuracy of Joint Parent-Child Reports of Children's Dietary Intake,'' Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117, 1731-1737.
    (Journal version available online at JAND web site.)

    Baxter, S. D., Smith, A. F., Hitchcock, D. B., Collins, K. L., Guinn, C. H., Smith, A. L., Finney, C. J. (2017), ``The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey's Food Insecurity Questionnaire Completed by Children: Effects of Assessment Mode (Classroom versus Interview),'' Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 1-23.
    (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2017.1315325.)

    Samadi, S., Pourreza‐Bilondi, M., Wilson, C. A. M. E., and Hitchcock, D. B. (2020). "Bayesian Model Averaging with Fixed and Flexible Priors: Theory, Concepts, and Calibration Experiments for Rainfall‐runoff Modeling," Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2019MS001924.
    (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1029/2019MS001924.)

    Phillips, R. C., Samadi, S., Hitchcock, D. B., Meadows, M. E., Wilson, C. A. M. E. (2022), "The Devil is in the Tail Dependence: An Assessment of Multivariate Copula-based Frameworks and Dependence Concepts for Coastal Compound Flood Dynamics," Earth's Future, 10, e2022EF002705.
    (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1029/2022EF002705.)

    Liu, Z., Hitchcock, D. B., Singapogu, R. (2023), "Cannulation Skill Assessment Using Functional Data Analysis," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 27, 4512-4523.
    (Journal version available online at DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2023.3283188.)

    Shayan, A. M., Hitchcock, D. B., Singh, S., Gao, J., Groff, R. E., Singapogu, R. B. (2024), "Functional Data Analysis of Hand Rotation for Open Surgical Suturing Skill Assessment", in press, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

    Invited Articles

    Hitchcock, D. B. (2007), "Smoothing," in the Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, (ed: Neil J. Salkind), Sage Publications, Inc.

    Hitchcock, D. B. and Greenwood, M. C. (2015), ``Clustering Functional Data,'' an invited book chapter for the Handbook of Cluster Analysis, (ed: Roberto Rocci), CRC Press.

    Liu, H., Hitchcock, D. B., and Samadi, S. Z. (2019), ``Spatial and Spatio-temporal Analysis of Precipitation Data from South Carolina,'' an invited book chapter for Modern Statistical Methods for Spatial and Multivariate Data, (ed: Norou Diawara), Springer.
    [Python and R programs and data for Liu/Hitchcock/Samadi book chapter]
    [more Python code for Liu/Hitchcock/Samadi book chapter]
    [raw data for Liu/Hitchcock/Samadi book chapter]

    Other Research Work

    Hitchcock, D. B. (1999). "Properties and Applications of a New Discrete Probability Distribution for Survival Data", Master's Research Project, Clemson University. (Advisor: K. B. Kulasekera)

    Hitchcock, D. B. (2004). "Smoothing Functional Data for Cluster Analysis", Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Florida. (Advisors: George Casella and Jim Booth)

    Unpublished Manuscripts

    Drafts available by email request:

    Huang, S. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2019). "Bayesian Functional Data Fitting with a Transformed B-spline Basis."

    Ma, C., Hitchcock, D. B., and Morgan, S. L. (2019). "Supervised Classification of Functional Data by Applying Multivariate Functional Depth and False Discovery Rate."

    Hendrickson, J. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2020). "An extension of the Gower coefficient for clustering mixed data".

    Manning, B. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2020). "Fuzzy Pseudo-Supervised Ensemble-Based Algorithms for Cluster Analysis."

    Liang, Y. and Hitchcock, D. B. (2021). "Cluster Analysis of Multi-culture Mixed-mode Data."


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