data whale; input liver tooth @@; lliver=log(liver); ltooth=log(tooth); label liver="Liver Se (mcg/g)"; label tooth="Tooth Se (ng/g)"; label lliver="Liver log(Se)"; label ltooth="Tooth log(Se)"; datalines; 6.23 140.16 6.79 133.32 7.92 135.34 8.02 127.82 9.34 108.67 10.00 146.22 10.57 131.18 11.04 145.51 12.36 163.24 14.53 136.55 15.28 112.63 18.68 245.07 22.08 140.48 27.55 177.93 32.83 160.73 36.04 227.60 37.74 177.69 40.00 174.23 41.23 206.30 45.47 141.31 ; run; proc sgplot data=whale; scatter x=tooth y=liver; reg x=tooth y=liver; *I tried varying smooth, but less smoothing (<.5) produced an unattractive plot; loess x=tooth y=liver/nomarkers; pbspline x=tooth y=liver/nomarkers; run; *'Transform both sides' is a great strategy when there are problems with scale in the data; proc sgplot data=whale; scatter x=ltooth y=lliver; reg x=ltooth y=lliver; loess x=ltooth y=lliver/nomarkers; pbspline x=ltooth y=lliver/nomarkers; run; *Simple regression model to obtain ls estimates; proc reg data=whale; model liver=tooth; run;