STAT 516 HW 1 Please write your answers neatly and clearly! Also, PLEASE make sure your answers to these questions are written in the same order as the questions are listed in the assignment!! HAND CALCULATIONS: 1. We will analyze the data in Table 7.13 on pg. 327 of the textbook. The dependent (Y) variable is Oxidation and the independent (X) variable is Temperature. Do the following by hand, SHOWING WORK. You may use SAS to check your answers if you want. (a) Find S_yy, S_xx and S_xy. Use these to calculate the estimated least-squares line and to find SSE and MSE. (b) Find a 95% confidence interval for the true slope of the regression. (c) Find the correlation coefficient r. What does this tell you about the nature of the relationship between Oxidation and Temperature? Be specific! (d) Find the residual for the second observation in the data set. (e) Find a 95% prediction interval for the Oxidation of a new alloy having Temperature of 1.3. COMPUTER CALCULATIONS: 2. Look at the data in Table 7.19 on page 330 of the textbook. These data are also given in the SAS code "heatingdata.txt" on the course web page. The dependent variable is kwh (electricity consumption) and the independent variable is tavg (temperature) for a sample of 47 autumn days. Complete a SAS program to answer the following questions about the data set: (a) Does a scatter plot indicate a linear relationship between the two variables? Explain. (b) Fit the least-squares regression line (using SAS) and interpret the estimated slope in the context of this data set. Does it make sense to interpret the estimated intercept? (c) For these data, what is the unbiased estimate of the error variance? (Give a number.) (d) Using the SAS output, test the hypothesis that the true slope of the regression line is zero (as opposed to nonzero). State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses, give the value of the test statistic and give the appropriate P-value. (Use a significance level of 0.05.) Explain precisely what this means in terms of the relationship between the two variables. (e) Using SAS, find a 95% confidence interval for the mean electricity consumption for all days having average temperature 73.6 degrees. Also, find a 95% prediction interval for the electricity consumption for a new day with average temperature 73.6 degrees. (f) Using SAS, make a residual plot and Q-Q plot of the residuals for this regression. Comment about whether each of the regression assumptions seems to be violated, based on the plots. (g) Find the r^2 for this regression from the SAS printout, and interpret it in the context of this data set. TRUE-FALSE QUESTIONS: 3. Answer True/False Concept Questions 2,3,4,5,6,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 on pages 326-327. If the statement is false, either correct it or explain why it is false.