2007 AP Teacher Institute in Statistics
Update about Registering for the Course
May 24, 2007

Dear AP Statistics Institute students:

I have received a few requests about the status of your registration materials for the AP Statistics Institute course. I can assure you that for anyone who has sent me their contact information by May 10, I have given the Extended Graduate Campus your contact information and they WILL be sending you some material about the course quite soon, probably within the next week. The turnaround time for registering students for this type of course is quite short, so everything is very much on schedule. The people in the Extended Graduate Campus thenmselves will actually handle the registration of students, and you will receive confirmation that you have been registered. Of course, you can always email me at < hitchcock@stat.sc.edu > to verify that I received your contact information or to ask any other questions. For the students who requested on-campus housing, the Housing Office has those requests and is making arrangements.

Thanks and please don't hesitate to ask any questions!

David Hitchcock