########## ## # Reading the data into R: ff <- tempfile() cat(file=ff, " 44.0 75.23 32.0 81.83 65.0 111.81 90.0 150.26 104.5 164.67 95.0 171.93 50.0 191.00 82.0 279.27 125.0 357.87 76.0 385.46 86.0 492.37 126.0 562.99 177.0 1203.34 ", sep=" ") options(scipen=999) # suppressing scientific notation audit <- read.table(ff, header=FALSE, col.names=c("fee", "pop")) # Note we could also save the data columns into a file and use a command such as: # audit <- read.table(file = "z:/stat_516/filename.txt", header=FALSE, col.names = c("fee", "pop")) attach(audit) # The data frame called audit is now created. #########