STAT J540 Final Exam Clarifications

In working on number 4 both data sets have two heights for each flavor. When I merge I still end up with each flavor listed twice. Is this what is expected or should I be doing something within each data set to make White have 2 heights before beginning the merge?

There are two observations for each flavor-brand combination. In other words, there is replication in this experiment. So there should still be two observations per flavor in the merged data set.

On #4, when it says use a variable for cake brand, do you want us to physically add that to the data sets?

Yes, you can and should create a brand variable in this problem.

On problem 5, are you wanting us to just arbitrarily pick some descriptive statistic (like MEAN) to calculate?

I want you to write the macro so that a future user of the macro can arbitrarily pick which descriptive statistic he or she wants to calculate.

For #3 are we to assume a line value that is empty means the home team by default is the favored team? Or do we look at an observed line that is empty to have no favored team?

If the "Line" is missing then there is no line at all, and for those observations the "Cover" variable should also be missing.

On problem 2, are we to assume that case is not important? For example, is "Word" and "word" to be considered one word or two?

In this problem, I am assuming that case is important. So "Word" and "word" would be considered two distinct words.