How to download R
Step 1:
Go to this web site:
Where to learn about R and download it
Step 2:
Click "CRAN" link under "Download" on left side of page.
Then choose one of the "USA" sites from which to download R.
Step 3:
Click appropriate link under the heading "Precompiled Binary Distributions" to
download the latest release of R. If you're using a Windows PC, it will be
"Windows"; if you're using a different operating system, click
on the corresponding link.
Step 4:
Click on the link "base". Then click on the link to the .exe file (should
say something like "Download R 2.11.1 for Windows") to download R. This should give you what
we'll need in this class.
Step 5:
Choose: "Save file to disk" and save it in whatever directory you'd like.
You should save it somewhere on your hard drive.
Step 6:
After the download is complete, you can run R by opening the file which will
be called RGui or R-2.11.1 or something similar.
Step 7:
You should see a console screen with some copyright information about R, and a
command line with a cursor. You type R commands at the command line. Type in:
install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE)
It will take a brief time to install the needed packages.
Step 8:
To run R Commander, just type at the command line:
The R Commander window should appear and you can begin to use it.
Then, each time you want to use R Commander, just open R and type:
to start it.