STAT 515 Homework 1: Remember to write answers in complete sentences when possible. I. Read the instructions in "Introduction to SAS Studio" on the course web page. You should run the sample program given (you can copy and paste the code into the SAS Studio program window). The SAS program is the text between /* begin SAS program */ and /* end SAS program */ You do not have to turn the output in, but it is essential that you read the instructions, try it out and get the correct output before using SAS Studio on the other homework problems where it is needed. II. McClave & Sincich exercises (use SAS Studio to create graphs and calculate summary statistics where needed): 2.46, 2.66 [for part (c) include a histogram], 2.149, 3.24, 3.36, 3.46, 3.48, 3.58, 3.76, 3.86, 3.96, 3.136, 3.144 ** See the course web page for SAS code to read in the data ** for problems 2.46, 2.66, 2.149