STAT 515 Homework 2: McClave & Sincich exercises: 4.4, 4.22, 4.28, 4.44, 4.52, 4.64, 4.66(a,b), 4.78 *** Those taking STAT 515 for graduate credit should also do problems 4.32, 4.76, 4.82. *** *** These graduate problems may also be done by undergraduate students, for extra credit. *** *** If you are doing them for extra credit, please CLEARLY MARK that they are for extra credit on your solutions. *** NOTE: Problem 4.52 requires looking at the information in problem 4.36. *** In addition, look ahead at problems 4.90, 4.98, 4.120. I will put these problems on Homework 3, but the Poisson and hypergeometric distributions will be included on Test 1, so these problems are good practice. Also, 4.91, 4.95, 4.97, 4.111 are good practice problems on the Poisson and hypergeometric, and the answers for those odd-numbered problems are in the back of the book.