STAT 515 Homework 3: Remember to write answers in complete sentences when possible. I. McClave & Sincich exercises (use SAS Studio to create graphs for problem 5.72): 4.90, 4.98, 4.120, 5.4, 5.18(a,b), 5.26, 5.38, 5.40, 5.72[use SAS PROC UNIVARIATE and give a normal QQ plot and histogram for EACH variable], 5.84, 5.104 *** Those taking STAT 515 for graduate credit should also do problems 5.52 and 5.108. *** *** This graduate problems may also be done by undergraduate students, for extra credit. *** *** If you are doing them for extra credit, please CLEARLY MARK that they are for extra credit on your solutions. *** ** See the course web page for SAS code to read in the data and create graphs ** for problem 5.72.