STAT 515 Homework 4: McClave & Sincich exercises: 6.16, 6.18, 6.20(a,b,d), 6.24(a), 6.26(a,b), 6.34(a,c), 6.35(a,b,c). *** Those taking STAT 515 for graduate credit should also do problem 6.32. *** Part II: Use the t table, chi-square table, and F tables in the back of the book to answer the following questions: 1. For 12 degrees of freedom, what is the t value with .01 area to its right? 2. For 16 degrees of freedom, what is the t value with .025 area to its right? 3. What is the z (std. normal) value with .05 area to its right? 4. For 10 degrees of freedom, what is the chi-square value with .95 area to its right? 5. For 21 degrees of freedom, what is the chi-square value with .05 area to its right? 6. For 8 numerator d.f. and 18 denominator d.f., what is the F value with .05 area to its right?