STAT 515 Homework 5: Remember to write answers in complete sentences when possible. I. McClave & Sincich exercises: 8.10, 8.12, 8.24, 8.60, 8.64, 8.74, 8.78(a,b,c), 8.80, 8.82[Hint: This is a 2-tailed test with p0=0.5], 9.12, 9.14, 9.16[assume UNEQUAL pouplation variances for 9.16], 9.36, 9.40(a,b,d,f,g,h). *** Those taking STAT 515 for graduate credit should also do problems 8.20 and 8.49(a,b,c). *** *** These graduate problems may also be done by undergraduate students, for extra credit. *** *** If you are doing them for extra credit, please CLEARLY MARK that they are for extra credit on your solutions. ***