STAT 515 Homework 6: Many of these problems refer to computer output given in the book -- use this output! McClave & Sincich exercises: 9.64, 9.66, 10.2, 10.3, 10.8, 10.34, 10.38, 10.42[SAS required], 11.14, 11.26,(a,b), 11.32[SAS required], 11.47, 11.50 Graduate student problem: 11.1 SAS notes: Analyze the data of Problem 10.42 using the SAS code listed on the course web page, (see data and SAS code for problem 10.42 on course web page). Answer the question of 10.42 based on the output. Hand in the output with your homework. Analyze the data of problem 11.32 using the SAS code listed on the course web page (see data and SAS code for problem 11.32 on course web page). Answer the questions of 11.32 and 11.50 based on the output. Hand in the output with your homework.