STAT 530, Fall 2014 -------------------- Extra Homework -------------- THIS HOMEWORK SET IS EXTRA CREDIT FOR *EVERYONE*. You are not required to do it, but you may do it for UP TO 10 bonus homework points (depending on the quality of your responses). Do the following problems: IMPORTANT NOTE: For EACH of these problems, also write several sentences explaining in words what substantive conclusions about the data that you can draw from the plots and/or analyses. PROBLEM 1: --------------- Do Problem 8.2 in the textbook. Give an interpretation of the CCA results. Also give a scatter plot of the (u1, v1) values of the sample data. PROBLEM 2: --------------- Use the data from Problem 8.2 again, but this time for a multivariate regression. Treat the "fasting variables" y1, y2, y3 as the response variables and the "sugar" variables x1, x2, x3 as the predictor variables. We wish to predict a person's fasting measurements based on their sugar measurements. (a) Fit the multivariate regression model; that is, use R to find the least-squares estimate of the Beta matrix of regression coefficients. Based on this matrix, assess the nature of the relationship between the fasting measurements and the sugar measurements. (b) For a person with sugar measurements x1 = 100, x2 = 105, x3 = 95, find a point prediction of her fasting measurements y1, y2, y3, based on your estimated regression model. ============================================================================== - The "Blood Glucose" data from Problem 8.2 are given on the course web page. The following R code will read in the data: bloodg <- read.table("", header=T) fast.meas <- bloodg[,1:3] sugar.meas <- bloodg[,4:6]