MINITAB instructions -- STAT 515 -------------------------------- Rainfall data set example: 1. Open Minitab using the Start Menu. 2. Type (or paste) the data into the first column of the worksheet (C1). 3. If desired, type "rainfall" into the space above the first data cell (below the cell labeled C1). FOR A STEM-AND-LEAF PLOT: 4. Under the "Graph" menu, choose "Stem-and Leaf". 5. In the box that appears, click "C1 rainfall" and click "Select". 6. The stem-and-leaf plot will print in the Session Window. FOR A HISTOGRAM: 7. Under the "Graph" menu, choose "Histogram". 8. In the box that appears, select "Simple" and click "OK". 9. In the box that appears, click "C1 rainfall" and click "Select". Click "OK". 10. The histogram will pop up in a separate window. You may copy the graph by right-clicking it (or going to the "Edit" menu) and choosing "Copy Graph". FOR A BOX PLOT: 11. Under the "Graph" menu, choose "Boxplot". 12. In the box that appears, select "Simple" and click "OK". 13. In the box that appears, click "C1 rainfall" and click "Select". Click "OK". 14. The box plot will pop up in a separate window. You may copy the graph by right-clicking it (or going to the "Edit" menu) and choosing "Copy Graph". FOR A NORMAL Q-Q PLOT: 15. Under the "Graph" menu, choose "Probability Plot". 16. In the box that appears, select "Single" and click "OK". 17. In the box that appears, click "C1 rainfall" and click "Select". 18. Click "Distribution", make sure "normal" is selected, and click "OK". 19. The Q-Q plot will pop up in a separate window. You may copy the graph by right-clicking it (or going to the "Edit" menu) and choosing "Copy Graph".