MINITAB instructions -- STAT 515 -------------------------------- Fire damage data set example: 1. Open Minitab using the Start Menu. 2. Type the data into the first column of the worksheet (C1) and the second column of the worksheet. If you don't want to type all your data in, you can save it as a .csv file (see firedamage.csv on the course web page) and open that .csv file in a spreadsheet like Excel. Then copy the data cells from Excel and paste them into Minitab. 3. If desired, type "distance" into the space above the first data cell (below the cell labeled C1). Type "damage" into the space above the second data cell (below the cell labeled C2) FOR A SCATTERPLOT: 4. Under the "Graph" menu, choose "Scatterplot". 5. In the box that appears, select "Simple" and click "OK". 6. In the box that appears, click "damage" and click "select" for the "Y variables" spot. Click "distance" and click "select" for the "X variables" spot. Click OK. 6. The scatterplot will pop up in a separate window. You may copy the graph by right-clicking it (or going to the "Edit" menu) and choosing "Copy Graph". TO COMPUTE THE ESTIMATED REGRESSION LINE: 7. Under the "Stat" menu, go to "Regression" and choose "Regression". 8. In the box that appears, click "damage" and click "select" for the "Response" spot. Click "distance" and click "select" for the "Predictors" spot. Click OK. 9. The estimated regression equation will print in the Session Window, along with some other information such as r-squared and the t-statistic (12.53) and the P-value for the hypothesis test about the slope. FOR A SCATTERPLOT WITH THE REGRESSION LINE ALSO PLOTTED: 10. Under the "Graph" menu, choose "Scatterplot". 11. In the box that appears, select "With Regression" and click "OK". 12. In the box that appears, click "damage" and click "select" for the "Y variables" spot. Click "distance" and click "select" for the "X variables" spot. Click OK. 13. The scatterplot will pop up in a separate window. You may copy the graph by right-clicking it (or going to the "Edit" menu) and choosing "Copy Graph". FOR A CI ABOUT THE MEAN RESPONSE OR A PREDICTION INTERVAL FOR A NEW RESPONSE: 14. Under the "Stat" menu, go to "Regression" and choose "Regression". 15. In the box that appears, click "Options". 16. In the spot labeled "Prediction intervals for new observations", type your X-value of interest (say, 3.5 in the fire damage problem). 17. Choose a confidence level (95 is the default) and check the boxes for "Confidence Limits" and "Prediction Limits". Click OK. 18. In the box that appears, click "damage" and click "select" for the "Response" spot. Click "distance" and click "select" for the "Predictors" spot. Click OK. 19. The estimated regression equation will print in the Session Window, along with some other information, including the confidence interval and prediction interval you requested. TO COMPUTE THE SAMPLE CORRELATION COEFFICIENT: 20. Under the "Stat" menu, go to "Basic Statistics" and choose "Correlation". 21. In the box that appears, click "damage" and click "select". Click "distance" and click "select". Click OK. 22. The correlation coefficient will print in the Session Window.