> First, which part of SAS runout result are we supposed to submit? > For the first problem, submit all the output and the proc insight graphs. For the other problems, just submit the graphs or summary output which is relevant to what the question is asking. For example, if the question asks you to comment on a histogram, include the histogram in your homework. > Second, for problem 2.9 after I ran the code I couldn't see anything in the output window, >instead there are two more windows named "work.ceoeduc" which is a data sheet and >"Distribution work.ceoeduc". Is there anything wrong? I guess my another question might be >relevant with this: I didn't see such title as given in the code showing up in the two new >windows. > No, nothing is wrong. The proc insight windows typically won't include the title given in the code. The window with the information you'll need is "Distribution work.ceoeduc". > 3.How to copy stuff which is not shown completely in one window, since I found that >although I chose "copy" under "edit" when I went to WORD and do "paste" only the part >showing in the window will appear? > If you're referring to the proc insight graphs, you should copy and paste the graphs one at a time into Word. If you're referring to the output in the output window, you should be able to go to the output window, choose Edit -> Select All, and then copy it and it will copy all the output, which you can then paste into Word. > 4.For problem 2.9, what is the "graphical method"? Isn't it given in the code you gave us? > Sorry I'm a little confused about this. > Just use the graphs produced by the proc insight code -- in particular the bar graph that will be produced. This should allow you to answer the question about the CEOs. > 5.What does "PROC INSIGHT" do? Plotting and giving summary? Does it function equally to >"PROC UNIVARIATW + Plot FREQ"? Yes, sort of. But the graphs proc insight produces are a lot nicer-looking. And the drop-down menus in proc insight allow you to do some neat things in analyzing the data. Also, proc insight produces a histogram, which "PROC UNIVARIATE + Plot FREQ" does not do. > > For Problem 2.30 > 1. From the code given we can only plot histogram, is it what we are required to plot? > Or we can use some other command? > The histogram is the type of graph I want you to use in this problem. > 2. What does "Density" mean in the graph (Y-axis) generated from SAS in part I? > This means that the vertical axis is showing the _relative frequencies_ for the measurement classes, rather than the frequencies (or counts). > For problem 2.52 > I think I'm not quite clear about some phrases. What does "Locate the measure of central >tendency" mean? > Remember from class that the measures of central tendency are the mean, median, and mode. Locate these on the SAS output.