/* Writing simple custom reports with PUT */ data _NULL_; *infile 'f:\stat517files\sas_roll2.txt'; FILENAME webpage URL 'http://people.stat.sc.edu/hitchcock/sas_roll2.txt'; INFILE webpage; INPUT last :$10. first :$9. datein MMDDYY10. timein :TIME5.; substr(last,2)=lowcase(substr(last,2)); substr(first,2)=lowcase(substr(first,2)); FILE 'f:\stat517files\report_hw.txt' PRINT; *change path name to a directory on computer you're using; title; PUT @8 'Homework Submission for STAT 540 for ' first last // @5 'Way to go, ' first '! You turned in homework 5' / @5 'at ' timein TIMEAMPM8. ' on ' datein WEEKDATE31. '.' / @5 'It must have felt great to get that over with!'; PUT _PAGE_; run;