* Read in the NFL teams data set; * arranged in columns; * Use PROC TABULATE for categorical data; data nflteams; *infile 'z:\My Documents\teaching\stat_517\sas_nfl_data.txt' firstobs=2; FILENAME webpage URL 'http://people.stat.sc.edu/hitchcock/sas_nfl_data.txt'; INFILE webpage firstobs=2; INPUT teamname $22. @29 year_of_origin 29-32 @35 Origin_type :$16. Conference $ 52-59 @62 Division :$5. @69 Timezone :$8.; RUN; PROC TABULATE data=nflteams; CLASS Origin_type Conference Division Timezone; TABLE Conference, Origin_type ALL, Timezone ALL / MISSTEXT='No Teams' BOX='Listing of NFL Teams'; TITLE 'Number of Teams cross-classified by Origin_type, Timezone'; TITLE2 'Separate Pages for each Conference'; RUN; PROC TABULATE data=nflteams; CLASS Origin_type Conference Division Timezone; VAR year_of_origin; /* Conference and Division Concatenated: */ TABLE Mean*year_of_origin*(Conference Division); /* Conference and Division Crossed: */ TABLE Mean*year_of_origin*(Conference*Division); TITLE 'A Study of the oldest conferences and divisions'; RUN;