* Read in the scores data set; * arranged in columns; * USING WHERE STATEMENT; data scores; *infile 'z:\My Documents\teaching\stat_517\sasdata_scores.txt'; FILENAME webpage URL 'http://people.stat.sc.edu/hitchcock/sasdata_scores.txt'; INFILE webpage; INPUT gamedate MMDDYY10. +1 VisitingTeam $20. +8 vscore 2.0 +2 HomeTeam $20. +8 hscore 2.0 Note $CHAR16. Bet COMMA10. +5 gametime TIME8.; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA = scores; WHERE VisitingTeam CONTAINS 'Florida'; title 'Football Scores (only visitors from Florida)'; footnote 'May not include games in which the home team is from Florida'; footnote2 "The word Florida must appear in the school's name"; * Note: need double quotes for second footnote; RUN; *footnote; * Why do I need this statement?; PROC PRINT DATA = scores; WHERE vscore = 0 OR hscore = 0; title 'Football Shutouts'; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA = scores; WHERE vscore LE hscore; title 'Home Wins'; RUN;