STAT 205 (Elementary Statistics for the Biological and Life Sciences)

Fall 2024


David Hitchcock, associate professor of statistics


Syllabus: (pdf document)

Office Hours -- Fall 2024

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00-9:50 a.m. or by appointment

Office: 202 LeConte College
Phone: 777-5346

Class Meeting Time

Mon, Wed 2:20-3:35 p.m., Petigru Room 108

Current Textbook

Statistics for the Life Sciences, 5th Edition, by Samuels, M.L., Witmer, J.A., and Schaffner, A.

Course Description

Three (3) credit hours; Prerequisite: MATH 111 or higher. Introduction to fundamental statistical methods with applications in the biological and life sciences. Includes descriptive statistics; probability; one and two-sample models for population means; contingency tables (including relative risk, odds ratios, case-control studies, and estimation of sensitivity and specificity); linear regression; logistic regression; aspects of survival analysis, and ANOVA. Carolina Core: ARP

Purpose: To give students in biology, ecology, public health, pharmacy, nursing, and other life sciences a non-calculus-based introduction to the application of modern statistical methods including descriptive and inferential statistics. To show students that statistics is an important research tool within the biological life sciences.

Course Notes

Course notes and other resources will mainly be posted in Blackboard for STAT 205 in Fall 2024.

Available Computing Resources

R is available as a free download (from the CRAN home page).
These packages are also available on the computers in the labs in LeConte College (and a few other buildings). Help in using R can be found on the CRAN home page.

Downloading Instructions for R

For those who prefer RStudio to regular R, a video about using RStudio with PositCloud will be posted on Blackboard.

Example R Code from Class