*Slide 3; /********************************************************************************/ /* Example of how %LET statements are processed before the DATA Step is executed*/ /********************************************************************************/ data books; input rank 1. +1 title $21.; if rank=1 then do; %let titletext=Top Bestseller; end; else do; %let titletext=Other Bestsellers; end; cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; proc print; where rank=1; title "&titletext"; run; *Slide 6; /********************************************************************************/ /* Example of Using SYMPUT with a Literal */ /********************************************************************************/ data books; input rank 1. +1 title $21.; call symput ('myfavorite','The Hobbit'); cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; proc print; title "These are the Bestsellers, but '&myfavorite' is the best!"; run; *Slide 8; /********************************************************************************/ /* Example of Using SYMPUT with a DATA Step Variable */ /********************************************************************************/ data books; input rank 1. +1 title $21.; If rank=1 then do; call symput ('topseller',title); call symput ('rank',rank); end; cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; *Leading spaces will be addressed shortly; options nonumber; *Reduce clutter at header; proc print; title "Bestseller List with #&rank-Ranked '&topseller.'"; run; *Slide 11; /********************************************************************************/ /* Example of DATA step functions useful for removing blanks or characters */ /********************************************************************************/ data books; input rank 1. +1 title $21.; If rank=1 then do; call symput ('topseller',trim(title)); call symput ('rank',compress(rank)); end; cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; proc print; title "Bestseller List with #&rank-Ranked '&topseller.'"; run; /* Note: */ /* STRIP function - removes all leading and trailing blanks TRIM function - removes all trailing blanks COMPRESS function - removes all blanks (by default) - you can specify options to remove other characters See slides for other helpful functions. */ *Slide 13; /********************************************************************************/ /* Example of Using SYMPUTX with a DATA Step Variable */ /********************************************************************************/ data books; input rank 1. +1 title $21.; If rank=1 then do; call symputx ('topseller',title); call symputx ('rank',rank); end; cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; proc print; title "Bestseller List with #&rank-Ranked '&topseller.'"; run; *Slide 15; /********************************************************************************/ /* Example of Using PUT with two numeric formats */ /********************************************************************************/ data citiday; set sashelp.citiday; collection_date=date; run; %let month=JAN; title "Citi Data for &month"; data citiday&month; set citiday ; cdate=put(collection_date,date9.); cmonth=substr(cdate,3,3); if cmonth="&month"; run; data citiday&month; set citiday&month end=last; total+1; if DCD1M/(DTBD3M+1) gt 1 then etotal+1; if last then do; *TRIM removes trailing blanks, while LEFT moves leading blanks to end of string; call symput ('highDCD1M',trim(left(put(etotal,f5.0)))); call symput ('nct',trim(left(put(total,f5.0)))); end; run; title2 "DCD1M exceeded DTBD3M by more than 1 for &highDCD1M records out of &nct records"; proc print data=citiday&month (obs=10); run; data books; input rank 1. +1 title $21.; If rank=1 then do; call symput ('topseller',trim(title)); call symput ('rank',put(rank,1.)); end; cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; proc print; title "Bestseller List with #&rank-Ranked '&topseller.'"; run; *Slide 18; /********************************************************************************/ /* Example of Creating Multiple Macro Variables During DATA Step Execution */ /********************************************************************************/ data books; input rank 1. +1 title $21.; cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; data _null_; set books; call symput('rank'||put(rank,1.),title); run; %put _user_; *Slide 20; /********************************************************************************/ /* Example of Referencing Macro Variables Indirectly */ /********************************************************************************/ data books; input Rank 1. +1 title $21.; cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; data _null_; set books; call symput('rank'||put(rank,1.),title); run; options symbolgen; %let titleforrank=rank1; proc print; var rank; where rank=input(substr("&titleforrank",5,1),1.); title "Rank for &&&titleforrank"; run; *This won't print the title correctly; %let titleforrank=rank1; proc print noobs; var rank; where rank=input(substr("&titleforrank",5,1),1.); title "Rank for &&titleforrank"; run; *Resolves to same mistake as above; %let titleforrank=rank1; proc print noobs; var rank; where rank=input(substr("&titleforrank",5,1),1.); title "Rank for &titleforrank"; run; %let titleforrank=rank3; proc print noobs; var rank; where rank=input(substr("&titleforrank",5,1),1.); title "Rank for &&&titleforrank"; run; *Slide 23; /**************************************************************************************************/ /* Example of Using the SYMGET Function to Obtain Macro Variable Values During DATA Step Execution*/ /**************************************************************************************************/ data books; input Rank 1. +1 Title $21.; cards; 1 A Tale of Two Cities 2 The Lord of the Rings 3 The Hobbit ; run; data _null_; set books; call symput('rank'||put(rank,1.),title); run; data books2; *Add rank here; set books (keep=rank); length title $21.; *Add title here; title=symget('rank'||put(rank,1.)); proc print; run; *Slide 25; /******************************************/ /* Example of Using INTO with PROC SQL */ /******************************************/ title; data bbstats; label atbats="At Bats"; input Player $19. atbats Hits BB; datalines; Christian Walker 271 97 36 Scott Wingo 240 81 44 Brady Thomas 231 73 23 Evan Marzilli 220 64 25 Robert Beary 211 61 12 Adrian Morales 249 70 30 Peter Mooney 254 71 44 Jake Williams 209 56 21 Jackie Bradley Jr. 162 40 22 ; run; proc sql; create table bastats as select player, hits/atbats as ba label="Batting Average" format=f4.3 from bbstats; select * from bastats; quit; proc sql; select sum(hits)/sum(atbats) format=f4.3 label="Team BA" into :teamba from bbstats; quit; * %LET may be needed to take care of leading blanks; *%let teamba=&teamba; proc print data=bastats label noobs; title "USC Batting Averages"; title2 "Team Batting Average is &teamba"; run; *Slide 25; /******************************************************************************************/ /* Example of Using INTO with PROC SQL to create macro variables for every data record */ /******************************************************************************************/ * Code to import data set that I have saved in a folder ; * I generated this using the Import Data menu choice; /* Generated Code (IMPORT) */ /* Source File: MedDB.csv */ /* Source Path: /home/davidhitchcock/sasuser.v94/stat541 */ /* Code generated on: Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:25:22 PM */ %web_drop_table(WORK.MEDDB); FILENAME REFFILE "/home/davidhitchcock/sasuser.v94/stat541/MedDB.csv" TERMSTR=CR; PROC IMPORT DATAFILE=REFFILE DBMS=CSV OUT=WORK.MEDDB; GETNAMES=YES; DATAROW=2; RUN; PROC CONTENTS DATA=WORK.MEDDB; RUN; %web_open_table(WORK.MEDDB); *Be sure to assign formats to meddb when you import it; proc sql; create table meddb as select ssn format=ssn11., btrim(tos) as tos label='Type of Service', dos format=mmddyy9. label='Date of Service', provider, claim format=dollar11.2 from meddb; quit; proc sql; create table tosclaim as select tos, count(*) as nct, sum(claim) as totalclaim from meddb group by tos; select * from tosclaim; quit; proc sql; select count(*) label="# of Claim Types" into :nrec from tosclaim; %let nrec=&nrec; select tos label="Type of Service", nct label="Count", totalclaim into :tos1-:tos&nrec, :nct1-:nct&nrec, :totalclaim1-:totalclaim&nrec from tosclaim; %put _user_; proc sql; select distinct tos into :tostype separated by ', ' from meddb; %put Types of service: &tostype;