*Modifying a data set; data nonprof; input @1 memberid @5 Name $30. @36 since @41 years @44 Donations; format donations dollar5.0; label memberid="ID #" since="Member Since" years="Total Years Membership"; datalines; 102 James and Roberta Edwards 2008 2 20 23 Michaels Family 2003 7 30 8 Charles Dobbs 2003 7 20 46 Eliza Singleton 2004 6 75 113 Mullen Jeffords 2010 0 20 ; run; proc print label; run; data nonprof; modify nonprof; years=year(today())-since; run; proc print label; run; *Modifying a data set with a transactional data set; data ytd; input @1 memberid @5 Name $30. since 36-39 years 41-42 Donations 44-46; *Make sure the first line is padded with spaces; datalines; 102 Drs. James and Roberta Edwards 23 20 8 15 129 Bill Mauldin 2011 40 ; run; proc print; run; /* Using UPDATE */ proc sort data=ytd; by memberid; proc sort data=nonprof; by memberid; data nonprof; update nonprof ytd; by memberid; run; proc print data=nonprof label; run; /* Using MODIFY instead of UPDATE */ /* Differences: Data sets don't need to be sorted on BY variable */ /* and completely new observations (Bill Mauldin) */ /* are not included in the modified data set. */ data nonprof; modify nonprof ytd; by memberid; run; proc print data=nonprof label; run; *Transaction data set with duplicate values; data ytddup; input @1 memberid @5 Name $30. since 36-39 years 41-42 Donations 44-46; *Make sure the first line is padded with spaces; datalines; 102 Drs. James and Roberta Edwards 23 20 8 15 129 Bill Mauldin 2011 40 8 100 ; run; proc sort data=ytddup; by memberid; proc sort data=nonprof; by memberid; data nonprofdup; update nonprof ytddup; by memberid; run; proc print data=nonprofdup label; run; *Transaction data set with duplicate values--fix with index; *Assign a different name to 2012 donations; *Modify the data set to avoid problems with index; data ytddup; input @1 memberid @5 Name $30. since 36-39 years 41-42 Donate12 44-46; *Make sure the first line is padded with spaces; datalines; 102 Drs. James and Roberta Edwards 0 23 20 8 15 8 100 ; run; *Create the index; proc datasets; modify nonprof; index create memberid/unique; run; *Update with a key; data nonprof; set ytddup; modify nonprof key=memberid/unique; donations+donate12; run; proc print data=nonprof; run; *We can also rename variables from the transaction data set on the run; data ytddup; input @1 memberid @5 Name $30. since 36-39 years 41-42 donations 44-46; *Make sure the first line is padded with spaces; datalines; 102 Drs. James and Roberta Edwards 0 23 20 8 15 8 100 ; run; *Create the index; proc datasets; modify nonprof; index create memberid/unique; run; data nonprof; set ytddup (rename=(donations=donate12)); modify nonprof key=memberid/unique; donations+donate12; run; proc print data=nonprof; run; *Example of output/replace/remove; data nonprof; input @1 memberid @5 Name $30. @36 since @41 years @44 Donations; format donations dollar5.0; label memberid="ID #" since="Member Since" years="Total Years Membership"; datalines; 102 James and Roberta Edwards 2008 2 20 23 Michaels Family 2003 7 30 8 Charles Dobbs 2003 7 20 46 Eliza Singleton 2004 6 75 113 Mullen Jeffords 2010 0 20 ; run; data ytddup; input @1 memberid @5 Name $30. since 36-39 years 41-42 donations 44-46; *Make sure the first line is padded with spaces; datalines; 102 Drs. James and Roberta Edwards 0 23 20 8 15 8 100 129 Bill Mauldin 2011 40 ; run; proc datasets; modify nonprof; index create memberid/unique; run; data nonprof; set ytddup (rename=(donations=donate12 name=name12)); modify nonprof key=memberid/unique; if _IORC_=%sysrc(_sok) then do; /* The function was successful. */ if donate12=0 then do; donations=-99; name=name12; end; *I'd like to output this value, but it was very delicate; else donations+donate12; replace; end; else if _IORC_=%sysrc(_dsenom) then do; *We can use this with the KEY option; /*No matching observation was found in MASTER data set.*/ donations=donate12; *Doesn't handle cumulative donations; name=name12; output; _error_=0; *Prevents error message from being written to LOG; end; run; proc print data=nonprof label; run; *Read in data set and set up an integrity constraint; data lab2012; input client $16. @18 email $21. @40 degree $ @49 USC $1. @51 Dept $15. / date date9. @11 Gratis $1. @13 Consultant $10.; datalines; Jane Lipschitz lipschitzj@dnr.sc.gov External N SCDNR 25Jan2012 Y John Grego Gerry Bainbridge bainbrid@email.sc.edu Faculty Y School of Music 31Jan2012 Y John Grego Scott Tyler tylers@jonesctr.org External N JERC 17Jan2012 N John Grego Erin Merrick Masters Y Environment 07Jan2012 Y Wilma Sims ; run; proc datasets nolist; modify lab2012; ic create check_USC=check(where=(USC in ('N' 'Y' 'y' 'n'))) message="Incorrect code for USC"; quit; proc print data=lab2012; run; data lab2012; modify lab2012; USC='A'; run; *this modification is rejected; proc print data=lab2012; run; *Audit trail--make sure nonprof is in WORK; proc datasets nolist; audit nonprof; initiate; quit; data nonprof; modify nonprof; years=year(today())-since; run; proc datasets nolist; audit nonprof; suspend; quit; proc contents data=nonprof (type=audit); run; *Look at audit file; proc print data=nonprof (type=audit); run; /* _ATOPCODE_ Values Code Modification AL Auditing is resumed AS Auditing is suspended DA Added data record image DD Deleted data record image DR Before-update record image DW After-update record image EA Observation add failed ED Observation delete failed EU Observation update failed */ *Stop the audit and delete the audit file; proc datasets nolist; audit nonprof; terminate; run; *Create generations data sets for nonprof, which should be newly loaded into work; proc datasets nolist; modify nonprof (genmax=4); quit; * #001 will have original data set, while nonprof will be updated; data nonprof; set nonprof; years=year(today())-since; run; *Nonprof is sorted--neither #001 or #002 is sorted--#001 is original data set, while #002 has years updated; proc sort data=nonprof; by memberid; run; *Prints updated years; proc print data=nonprof (gennum=2); run; *Prints sorted data set with updated years; proc print data=nonprof (gennum=0); run; *Prints two generations ago; proc print data=nonprof (gennum=-2); run; *Analysis of data from two generations ago; proc sgplot data=nonprof(gennum=-2); histogram years; run; *Delete historical generations; proc datasets nolist; delete nonprof (gennum=hist); run; proc print data=nonprof (gennum=-2); run; proc print data=nonprof; run; *Delete all generations; proc datasets nolist; delete nonprof (gennum=all); run; proc print data=nonprof; run;