STAT 705 Spring 2010 ------------------ Homework 4 ---------- Do the following problems from the textbook: 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5(a,b), 19.7, 19.13(b,c,d), 19.16(c,d), 19.17(a,b,c,d), 19.31(b), 19.33(a,b,c,e) 19.48, 20.1, 20.2(a,b), 20.4 NOTE: Problems 19.13, 19.16, 19.17, 19.31, 19.33, 20.2, and 20.4 require analysis using a computer package such as SAS or R. HINT: For 19.3, use equation (19.8a) on page 823. HINT: For 19.4(b) and 19.5(a), use equations (19.4) and (19.5) on page 819. NOTE: For 19.16(c,d), do the residual plot (vs. fitted values) and the normal Q-Q plot of the residuals and comment on your findings. Also, do the Brown-Forsythe test and the Shapiro-Wilk test on the residuals and comment on your findings. NOTE: For 19.17(a), "estimated treatment means plot" = "interaction plot". NOTE: For 19.33(c), simply use the Bonferroni procedure to compare pairwise differences among the 3 makes for technician 1. That is, compare mu_11 vs. mu_12, mu_11 vs. mu_13, mu_12 vs. mu_13. This is most easily done by using ESTIMATE statements to get each L-hat and the corresponding standard errors, and then using the proper Bonferroni correction to adjust the t-value. The "Eye Contact Effect", "Disk Drive", and "Coin-operated Terminals" data sets are given on the course web page. Please write your answers neatly and clearly!