STAT 705 Spring 2010 -------------------- Homework 5 ---------- 23.10(c,d,f), 24.13(b,c,d,e), 24.14(b)**, 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.7, 25.8(a,c,d,e), 25.17(a,b), 25.28, 25.30, 25.31. NOTE: Problems 23.10, 24.13, 24.14, 25.7, 25.8, 25.17 require analysis using a computer package such as SAS or R. ** - State in words what mu_231 represents for this data set. NOTE: For 24.13 and 24.14, base all your inferences on the model with all interactions included. (In practice, we could consider deleting the very-high-order interaction term if it is not significant.) NOTE: For 23.10(c,d), the book mentions "full model" and "reduced model", but all I want you to do is fit one model and do the interaction-effects F-test (for part c) and main effects F-tests (for part d) based on that one model fitting. You don't have to fit multiple models because the Type III SS section does that internally, automatically. (If you're interested in "full vs. reduced", details are on p. 955-959.) HINT: You can answer 25.8(d) based on your answer to 25.8(a). HINT: In 25.31, to derive the variance of Y-bar-i-dot-dot, write it out as defined in (19.27c) and (19.27d) on page 834, and then use properties of variances. The "Adjunct Professors", "Electronics Assembly", "Sodium Content", and "Imitation Pearls" data sets are given on the course web page. Please write your answers neatly and clearly!