STAT 517 (Computing in Statistics)

Fall 2005


David Hitchcock, assistant professor of statistics


Syllabus: (Word document)

Office Hours -- Fall 2005

Mon 9:15AM-10:00 AM, Tues 11:00AM-1:00PM, Wed 9:15AM-10:00AM, Thu 11:00AM-12:00 noon.
Please feel free to make appointments to see me at other times.

Office: 209D LeConte College
Phone: 777-5346

Class Meeting Time

MWF 10:10-11:00 a.m., LC 201A

Purpose: To help students learn computing skills that will be useful to them both in academic endeavors and as working statisticians. To introduce students to programming using the free software package R and the widely used commercial software SAS. Programming skills, rather than straightforward data analyses, are emphasized in this course.

Current Textbook: The Little SAS Book: A Primer, by Delwiche and Slaughter.

Required Supplementary Material: Supplementary material available for download:
Basics of R: A Primer, by Don Edwards.
Click here for Basics of R: A Primer.
Introduction to R, Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
Available at CRAN home page (click "Manuals" at left side of page; then choose the first manual, "Introduction to R").

Required Computing Resources: Access to a computer with R (available as a free download from the CRAN home page) and SAS (students who want SAS can buy a copy from USC Computer Services). These packages are also available on the computers in the labs in LeConte College. Help in using R can be found on the CRAN home page.

Downloading Instructions


Topics Covered
Objects in R; Inputting and Outputting Data in R
1.5 weeks
R Graphics, Functions, Arithmetic, Logicals, Conditional Execution, Subsetting, Sorting, Iteration
2 weeks
Random Variables and Simulation Studies
1.5 weeks
Introduction to SAS; Reading and Writing Data
Delwiche and Slaughter
2 weeks
Working with Your Data; Sorting, Printing, Summarizing Data
Delwiche and Slaughter
2 weeks
Modifying and Combining Data Sets
Delwiche and Slaughter
1 week
MACRO programming in SAS; PROC SQL
Delwiche and Slaughter
2.5 weeks


Example R Code from Class

SAS Example Code from Class


Data Files for Homework

Example Homework Solutions

Data Files for Exams
