STAT 517 (Computing in Statistics)

Fall 2008


David Hitchcock, assistant professor of statistics


Syllabus: (Word document) or (pdf document)

Office Hours -- Fall 2008

Monday 10:00-11:00 a.m., Tuesday 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, Wednesday 10:00-11:00 a.m., Thursday 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, Friday 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Please feel free to make appointments to see me at other times.

Office: 209A LeConte College
Phone: 777-5346

Class Meeting Time

Tue-Thu 4:00-5:15 p.m., LC 210A

Purpose: To help students learn computing skills that will be useful to them both in academic endeavors and as working statisticians. To introduce students to programming using the free software package R and the widely used commercial software SAS. Programming skills, rather than straightforward data analyses, are emphasized in this course.

Current Textbook: The Little SAS Book: A Primer (3rd edition), by Delwiche and Slaughter.

Required Supplementary Material: Supplementary material available for download:
Basics of R: A Primer, by Don Edwards.
Click here for Basics of R: A Primer.
Introduction to R, Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
Available at CRAN home page (click "Manuals" at left side of page; then choose the first manual, "Introduction to R").

Required Computing Resources: Access to a computer with R (available as a free download from the CRAN home page) and SAS (students who want SAS can buy a copy from USC Computer Services). These packages are also available on the computers in the labs in LeConte College. Help in using R can be found on the CRAN home page.

Downloading Instructions


Topics Covered
Objects in R; Inputting and Outputting Data in R
1.5 weeks
R Graphics, Functions, Arithmetic, Logicals, Conditional Execution, Subsetting, Sorting, Iteration
2 weeks
Random Variables and Simulation Studies
1.5 weeks
Introduction to SAS; Reading and Writing Data
Delwiche and Slaughter
2 weeks
Working with Your Data; Sorting, Printing, Summarizing Data
Delwiche and Slaughter
2 weeks
Modifying and Combining Data Sets
Delwiche and Slaughter
1 week
MACRO programming in SAS; PROC SQL
Delwiche and Slaughter
2.5 weeks


Slides for Class Notes

Example R Code from Class

SAS Code: Examples from Class


Data Files for Homework

Example Homework Solutions

THESE DO NOT CONTAIN (MANY) COMMENTS! Your homework solutions should contain many more comments!

Example Test Solutions


Data Files for Exams

Exam Sheets

You may bring one standard-sized piece of paper with anything written on it to Exam 1.

You may bring one standard-sized piece of paper with anything written on it to Exam 2.

You may bring three standard-sized pieces of paper with anything written on them to the final exam.

Information about the Graduate Student Project
