STAT 542 (Computing for Data Science)
Spring 2025
David Hitchcock, professor of statistics
Syllabus: (pdf document)
Office Hours -- Spring 2024
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:45-11:45 a.m., Tuesday 9:30-10:30 a.m., or please feel free to make an appointment to see me at other times.
Office: 202 LeConte College
Phone: 777-5346
Class Meeting Time
MWF 9:40 - 10:30 am, LeConte College 103
STAT 301 or STAT 509 or STAT 515.
Current Textbook:
Modern Data Science with R, 2nd edition, by Benjamin S. Baumer, Daniel T. Kaplan, and Nicholas J. Horton. CRC Press, 2021.
Online version available at:
Course Outline:
Topics covered include: Chapters 2-8, 14-16 and (time permitting) 19 of the Baumer, Kaplan, and Horton textbook. Topics covered include data visualization, the grammar of graphics, data wrangling, tidy data, iteration in R, data ethics, interactive data graphics, database querying and administration with SQL, and (time permitting) analysis of text data.
Learning Objectives: By the end of the term successful students should be able to do the following:
Perform basic and interactive data visualizations and graphics
Understand the concepts of tidy data and the grammar of graphics
Undertake data wrangling, database querying and database administration
Recognize ethical questions involved with data collection and management
Be able to effectively communicate in written and/or oral formats the information obtained from a data analysis
Graded Assignments
Two exams, plus a final exam. Regular homework assignments. Course project and class presentation.
Useful Links
Stats with R, a cool R website from former USC students Michael Harris and Samantha (Langley) Harris
Lecture Slides from Class:
Computing Tips and Examples: R
Homework Solutions
Data Sets
Information about Final Exam
Information about Project
Review Sheets for Exams
Exam Solutions
- Midterm Exam 1: Friday, Feb. 21
- Midterm Exam 2: Friday, March 28
- Final Exam: Friday, May 2 - 9:00 a.m.