STAT 516: Statistical Methods II - Spring 2025

Meeting times: 10:05 - 11:20 am, Tuesday and Thursday, LeConte College 107.
Instructor: Dr. Karl Gregory, LeConte College 216 C.
Office hours: After each class until noon or Tuesday 3:00 - 5:00 pm and Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00 pm.

Grader: Le Chang,

Course syllabus

STAT 515 material for review

Lecture slides Annotated Code Topic Section of MWF 4th Ed
Lec_01.pdf Lec_01_slides_annotated.pdf R code Inference on the mean and variance of a single Normal population (review) Chapter 4
Lec_02.pdf Lec_02_slides_annotated.pdf R code Simple linear regression (review) Chapter 7
Lec_03.pdf Lec_03_slides_annotated.pdf R code Multiple linear regression (part 1/2) Chapter 8
Lec_04.pdf Lec_04_slides_annotated.pdf R code Multiple linear regression (part 2/2) Chapter 8
End Exam I material
Lec_05.pdf tukey dunnett Lec_05_slides_partially_annotated.pdf R code One-way ANOVA Chapter 6

Quarto hw template markdown-basics.html book data sets
Homework assignments Topics Due Solutions
Hw 1: Chp 4 Ex 8, 19, 20; Chp 5 Ex 10; Chp 7 Ex 7 t test, paired t test, simple linear regression Thurs, Feb 6th, 11:59 pm on Blackboard hw1_sol.pdf
Hw 2: Chp 8 Ex 3, 5, 7 transformations, multiple linear regression Tues, Feb 18th, 11:59 pm on Blackboard hw2_sol.pdf
Hw 3: Chp 8 Ex 2, 8, 14, 16, 19 multiple linear regression, variable selection Tues, Mar 4th, 11:59 pm on Blackboard

Exams Solutions
Exam_I.pdf Exam_I_sol.pdf Exam_I_full_credit_student_answers.pdf
Exam II on April 8th in class. May bring two pages (one-sided) of handwritten notes.
Final exam at 9:00 am on May 6th. May bring three pages (one-sided) of handwritten notes.

Exams from Spring 2024 Solutions
Exam_I.pdf Exam_I_sol.pdf Exam_I_full_credit_student_answers.pdf
Exam_II.pdf Exam_II_sol.pdf Exam_II_full_credit_student_answers.pdf
Final_Exam.pdf Final_Exam_sol.pdf
